David had lived a long, full life. He was a husband and a father to four children who were now adults with their own families. He had worked hard throughout his life and was able to retire at 65 years old.

David and his lovely wife Sue worked together for 45 years to pay off their mortgage and save for their retirement. They had plans for a happy retirement together. Finally, they were going to be able to enjoy the benefits of all their hard work.

Unfortunately, Sue passed away after a short illness. She was only 67 years old when she died—not too young but much too early for David to accept or understand what had happened and why it had happened so suddenly. He was left alone with all of his questions about what would happen next, but he wasn’t sure what questions needed answering or where he should begin researching answers when it came time for him to decide on funeral arrangements and other estate planning documents.

The shock of Sue’s death woke David up from his retirement dreams and brought him face-to-face with reality: he could be next!

David had always been a man with a plan. He had a home and savings, but now he had no idea what would happen to his family if he suddenly passed away.

He knew that his family would inherit his estate, but what if they couldn’t access it? What if the local government took control? How would they be able to get access to his bank accounts or make healthcare decisions for him?

David then reached out to Asset Wealth Protection in hopes that he might find the help he so desperately needed.

After some careful consideration and consultation with Asset Wealth Protection, he learned that without proper planning there was no guarantee that his family would inherit his home and savings and that the local authority could force the sale of his home to fund his care costs later in life.

He also discovered that, without the necessary legal documents, his family would not be able to access his bank accounts or make healthcare decisions for him if he became unable to do this for himself.

So, to ensure that David’s family would inherit his home and savings and that the local authority would not force the sale of his home, it was necessary to arrange a suitable trust alongside a professionally drafted will.

It was also necessary to arrange lasting Powers of Attorney to ensure David’s family could access his bank accounts and make healthcare decisions when needed.

Asset Wealth Protection helped David implement this planning from start to finish and David was left with genuine peace of mind that his family would receive the inheritance he had created for them.

Seven years after implementing his plan, David’s health took a steep decline. He developed Alzheimer’s and needed full-time residential care. However, as a direct result of the planning Asset Wealth Protection had completed for David, the local authorities could not force him to sell his house to pay for care and his family is currently in control of his home and will inherit it after he dies.

His legacy is secure, and his estate remains intact for his family to inherit and use for their benefit during their lifetime.

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